Spring 2017 Meeting Set

May 5, 2017 – Please save the date!

GA-HERO welcomes higher education retirees and their representatives to the spring meeting hosted by Clayton State University, to be held at the Georgia Archives on Friday, May 5 – 9:30 registration and coffee, 10:00 to 2:00 meeting.  Form a carpool and bring your current and future leaders, e.g., members of your governing board and school administrators.  A goal of GA-HERO is to help retiree organizations plan for management succession.  The cost is $15/person for the meeting, which includes coffee/snacks and lunch.

Do you have an example of a best practice at your retirement organization that you would like to share at the meeting?  If so, please send a one-page summary to any of the officers that can be a handout and perhaps be presented.

We are arranging a stimulating meeting, details to follow soon.

You can register online, www.ga-hero.org using the “Conference Registration” link or contact Dave Ewert at dewert@gsu.edu to RSVP.

GA-HERO at AROHE Conference

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We are very pleased to have eight members of GA-HERO attending the AROHE conference in Seattle this week. They are John Bugge, Gray Crouse, Gretchen Schulz, Holly York, and Marilynne McKay from Emory; Missy Cody from Georgia State; Dennis Marks from Valdosta State; and Dorothy Zinsmeister from Kennesaw State. The conference theme is “Transforming Retirement.” For more information, go to http://www.arohe.org/2016-conference-details. We look forward to hearing about the conference from our members at our next meeting.


GA-HERO Election Results 2015-16

The voting members* of GA-HERO have elected the nominated slate of officers and selected their representatives on the GA-HERO Board of Directors as follows:

Officers (1-year terms):

President – David Ewert, Georgia State

Vice President – John Bugge, Emory

Treasurer – John Bugge, Emory

Secretary – Carol Pope, Kennesaw State


Directors (2-year terms):

Emory University – Gretchen Schulz

Georgia Perimeter College – Robert McDonough

Georgia State University – Harry Dangel

Kennesaw State University – Dorothy Zinsmeister

University of West Georgia – Wanda McGukin

Valdosta State University – Fred Ware


*Schools that belong to AROHE are voting members of GA-HERO.  Other schools are affiliated members of GA-HERO.

AROHE November newsletter

AROHENOVThe November newsletter from AROHE is now available by clicking HERE. The newsletter features our own John Bugge and the Emory University Emeritus College in one of the lead articles! To find previous AROHE newsletters, go to www.arohe.org and click the “Newsletters” link.


Regents OK Healthcare Hike for University Workers

Thanks to Wanda McGukin from the University of West Georgia for sending the AJC link to share with retirees regarding upcoming changes in the University System of Georgia healthcare benefits costs.

From the AJC: http://tablet.olivesoftware.com/Olive/Tablet/AtlantaJournalConstitution/

From the Athens Banner-Herald: http://onlineathens.com/local-news/2014-09-09/regents-approve-premium-co-pay-hike-university-system-employees.